If you’re thinking of giving multigenerational living a try, there’s lots to consider.

While there are many plus points, there are also some inevitable downsides too. Being aware of both sides of the coin is vital if you want to make an informed decision on such a big move, so we’ve put together an article to help you out. Our guide to the pros and cons of multigenerational living will hopefully give you a solid foundation on which to base your decision.

Let’s start off, though, with a brief overview of why multigenerational living arrangements are seeing a resurgence in modern-day Britain.

The rising popularity of multigenerational living

Multigenerational living, whereby more than two generations of a family cohabit under a single roof, has witnessed a noticeable upsurge across the United Kingdom in recent years. 

This style of cohabitation, once a staple of Victorian England, is regaining traction due to various socio-economic, cultural, and wellness considerations.


Socio-economic factors


As we delve into socioeconomic influences, it’s essential to acknowledge the overarching role of housing affordability. 

The escalating property prices in numerous UK locales have rendered homeownership a distant dream for many, particularly the younger demographic. Consequently, multiple generations pooling resources to secure a singular property is becoming an increasingly viable solution.

Moreover, the financial burden of childcare and elderly care is alleviated to a certain extent in a multigenerational setup. Adult children can provide care for ageing parents, while grandparents can offer invaluable assistance in childcare, thereby reducing the need for external - and often costly - care services. 

Additionally, with the rising cost of education, staying at home during further studies becomes a prudent decision for many students, thereby organically fostering a multigenerational living environment.


Cultural and social influences


Culturally, the modern UK family is becoming more cohesive and interdependent, partially driven by influences from other cultures where multigenerational living is a norm. 

Moreover, the recognition of the social and emotional benefits that stem from close-knit family environments is encouraging many to consider this living arrangement. A household bustling with the daily activities of children, parents, and grandparents creates a vibrant, supportive environment where familial bonds are consistently nurtured.


Health and wellness considerations


After the turbulent waves of the global pandemic, many families have recognised the health and emotional benefits anchored in multigenerational living. 

Not only does this setup facilitate practical support during health crises, but it also lays down a robust emotional infrastructure wherein mental and emotional wellness is upheld through familial relationships. 

The younger generation gains access to a wealth of experience and wisdom from their elders, whilst the older generation can enjoy an enriched, active lifestyle in a family-oriented environment.

Pros of multigenerational living

The tapestry of multigenerational living, woven with the threads of companionship, support, and shared responsibilities, naturally comes with several advantages. 

Below, we take you through some of the benefits that take into account financial, emotional, and practical realms, showing why numerous families across the UK are opting for this harmonious way of living.


Financial benefits


Shared costs

One of the main advantages that emerge from a multigenerational living arrangement is the distribution of financial burdens. Utilities, mortgage or rent, groceries, and maintenance costs, when shared among family members, significantly diminish the individual financial load. 

This allows for a more manageable and collective approach towards handling household expenses.


Potential for enhanced financial stability

Additionally, with varied generations contributing to the family's economic pool, it often results in a more financially stable environment. Savings can be bolstered, investments can be strategised collaboratively, and financial risks can be mitigated with the collective wisdom and resources of the family. 

Moreover, this arrangement may facilitate members to pursue further education or entrepreneurial ventures, thanks to the domestic financial stability.


Emotional and social aspects


Strengthened family bonds

The day-to-day interactions, shared meals, celebrations, and even navigating through conflicts together fortify family bonds. 

This consistent closeness allows generations to understand, appreciate, and learn from one another, thus sowing seeds of deep-rooted relationships that often blossom into strong familial ties.


Shared responsibilities and support

Being present in a household where one can both lend and seek support fosters a nurturing environment. 

From sharing daily chores to providing emotional support in times of distress, the multi-faceted support system inherent in multigenerational living is indeed invaluable.


Practicality and convenience


Shared childcare and elderly care

One of the cardinal practical advantages is the intrinsic system of care that evolves within the family. 

Grandparents may find joy and purpose in contributing to childcare, while younger members ensure that the elders in the family receive necessary care and attention, crafting a symbiotic environment where care is both provided and received.


House maintenance and upkeep

The collective effort towards housekeeping and maintenance also becomes a notable advantage. 

Varied skill sets and physical capabilities of different generations ensure that the residence is well-kept and maintained, circumventing the need for external help and thus, fostering a sense of collective accomplishment and pride.

Cons of multigenerational living

While multigenerational living undoubtedly provides plenty of benefits, it’s also accompanied by a set of challenges that families need to navigate. 

To properly understand this living arrangement and ensure that families are making informed decisions, it’s crucial to explore some of the potential downsides. 

From privacy concerns to relationship strains, let’s delve into some aspects everyone should take into consideration.


Privacy concerns


Shared spaces

In multigenerational homes, private spaces are naturally limited due to the need to accommodate various family members. 

The shared usage of common areas, such as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom, can sometimes lead to a feeling of congestion and a lack of personal space, which is essential for individual well-being.


Limited personal time

Balancing personal time can become challenging in a bustling multigenerational environment. 

With family always around, finding moments of solitude or spending quality time as a nuclear family or couple may require deliberate planning and coordination, which isn’t always as straightforward as it sounds.


Financial implications


Managing collective budgets

While shared costs are a perk, managing a collective budget can be tricky. Differences in spending habits, financial priorities, and contributing capabilities among family members might spark disagreements or create tension within the household.


Potential dependency issues

There’s also a risk of fostering financial dependency among family members, as the collective pooling of resources may inadvertently discourage individual financial responsibility and planning, particularly amongst younger adults.


Relationship strains


Different generational perspectives and values

Harmonising varied generational perspectives, values, and lifestyles under one roof can be challenging. 

Disparities in viewpoints related to discipline, lifestyle choices, and even trivial matters like decor can potentially fuel conflicts.


Disagreements on household management

With multiple adults in a single household, differences in opinions regarding household management, child-rearing practices, and shared responsibilities are inevitable. 

Navigating through these disagreements while maintaining a peaceful cohabitation can be tricky and emotionally taxing.

If you are thinking of buying a family home for multigenerational living in or around East London and West Essex, we’re here to help. Petty’s has been helping people move since 1908 and, as a family-run business, we’re perfectly equipped to assist you and yours find the perfect place to call home.

Give our expert team a call or pop into our office on Woodbine Place to explore the fabulous properties we have for sale.

Article By: Francesca Creasey

Francesca has been with Petty’s for over 10 years and has progressed to become our Senior Office Manager, overseeing the daily events and planning what lies ahead for the team each day. She is an F1 obsessive and loves dogs...especially her boxer Winnie, who you may occasionally see in the office!

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