Navigating through the world of easements can be complex yet crucial for property owners. 

This guide sheds light on various facets of easements, from understanding their types and establishing them to managing and potentially extinguishing them, ensuring you tread confidently through your property ownership journey.

Let’s dive straight in, shall we?

Different types of easements

Understanding easements is crucial for every property owner. In essence, an easement allows individuals or entities the right to use another person's land for a specific purpose. 

Though this might sound straightforward, various types of easements can affect your property in different ways.


Legal easements


Legal easements are rights that run with the land and are often essential for the reasonable use and enjoyment of a property.

  • Right of way: A common type of easement, right of way allows individuals to pass over a piece of land to access another property or public highway. This could be a footpath, driveway, or any other type of passage through which they can legally pass.
  • Right to light: In the UK, the right to light can be an essential easement, especially in densely built areas. This easement protects a property’s access to natural light, restricting neighbouring properties from constructing barriers that obstruct it.
  • Right of support: This easement safeguards a property’s structural integrity by preventing adjacent land or buildings from undermining its support, either through construction activities or land alterations.


Private easements


Private easements are established through private agreements between parties (often adjacent landowners) and can take several forms:

  • Express grant or reservation: This easement is explicitly created by a deed, outlining specific terms and conditions, such as the allowance of a neighbour to use a path across your land.
  • Implied grant or reservation: Sometimes, an easement is implied due to the historical use of the land or due to necessity, such as accessing a landlocked property.
  • Prescriptive easements: These are acquired through long-term use without the landowner’s consent, usually over a minimum period (in the UK, typically 20 years). It might involve, for instance, a pathway that has been used openly and without permission for decades.


Navigating through the different types of easements and understanding their implications is vital for prudent property ownership and management. 

It's crucial to recognise that easements may already exist on your property or may need to be established in the future, affecting how you and any future owners may use the land.

How easements affect property ownership

When exploring the concept of easements, it is vital to discern not only the variations and legalities but also to perceive how they can significantly influence property ownership. 

Easements can impact the utility, value, and saleability of your property, creating both opportunities and limitations that every property owner should be well-acquainted with.


Use of property


Easements can alter how you utilise your property, potentially restricting certain activities or developments. 

For instance, a right-of-way easement may limit how you can change or develop the land in question, ensuring unimpeded access for those who hold the right. It is, therefore, crucial to be aware of existing easements before planning any modifications to your property.


Property value


While some easements have negligible effects on property value, others can be considerably influential. 

For example, an easement that allows public access through your property might decrease its value due to perceived privacy issues. Conversely, securing a crucial access easement over a neighbouring property could increase your property’s value and utility.


Saleability of property


Easements can also influence the saleability of your property. 

While certain easements, like utility easements, might not notably impact a sale, more intrusive ones, affecting privacy or potential property use, could be detrimental. Disclosing easements to potential buyers is not only a legal requirement but also a key aspect of ensuring smooth transactions and avoiding future disputes.


Establishing an easement

Navigating through the process of establishing an easement involves understanding specific legal requirements, registering the easement accordingly, and being prepared to tackle any potential challenges that may arise. 

To guide property owners through this path, it is beneficial to understand the essential steps and legal requisites involved.


Legal requirements

  • Necessity or benefit: An easement must typically be necessary for the use and enjoyment of a property, or it must confer some benefit upon the land (not merely the landowner).
  • Capable parties: Parties involved, whether granting or receiving the easement, must be capable of doing so, ensuring they have the legal capacity and title to the land.
  • Written agreement: Easements, especially those created by express grant, often require a written agreement that spells out the terms and conditions of the easement, signed by both parties.


Registering an easement


Upon reaching an agreement, it’s imperative that the easement is registered with the appropriate land registry. 

This process:

  • Validates the easement: Registering helps validate the easement, providing a legal record and assuring its endurance even if the property is sold.
  • Informs future buyers: It serves as a notice to future buyers, ensuring they are aware of all the existing easements when considering purchasing the property.
  • Prevents disputes: Ensures clarity and can help prevent future disputes by providing a referenceable record of agreed-upon terms and conditions.


Potential challenges and solutions


Even with an agreement in place, property owners may encounter challenges when establishing easements:

  • Disagreements on terms: Sometimes parties may dispute the terms of the easement. Mediation or legal advice might be essential to navigate through these disagreements successfully.
  • Use disputes: Issues may arise regarding the use of the easement, especially if the use is causing undue burden on the servient land. Having clear terms and a robust agreement from the outset can mitigate this.
  • Overuse: An easement holder might overstep the agreed-upon terms. Here, legal enforcement might become necessary to ensure compliance with the originally stipulated terms.


Crafting a pathway through the complex terrain of establishing an easement requires a meticulous approach, ensuring all legal and practical aspects are considerately addressed. 

Armed with a well-structured plan and professional advice, property owners can successfully establish easements that safeguard their interests while respecting the rights of all parties involved.

Rights and responsibilities of the dominant and servient tenement

Navigating through the entwined pathways of easements introduces us to the concepts of dominant and servient tenements. 

Understanding the respective rights and responsibilities that come along with these roles is crucial for maintaining harmonious neighbourly relations and adhering to legal standards.


Definition of dominant and servient tenement

  • Dominant tenement: This refers to the property that benefits from the easement. The owner has the right to use another’s land (the servient tenement) in a specific manner.
  • Servient tenement: The property that is subject to the easement is known as the servient tenement. The owner must allow the specified use by the dominant tenement and may have certain restrictions as a result.


Respective rights

  • Rights of the dominant tenement: The dominant tenement has the right to utilise the easement for its benefit, adhering to the stipulated terms. This could involve access, light, or other specific utilities.
  • Rights of the servient tenement: Although subjected to the easement, the servient tenement retains the ownership of the land and can use it as long as such use does not interfere with the rights of the dominant tenement.


Respective responsibilities

  • Maintaining the easement: Often, the dominant tenement is responsible for maintaining the easement to a standard that enables its use. However, specifics can vary based on the agreement.
  • Non-interference: The servient tenement has a responsibility not to interfere with the use of the easement by the dominant tenement. This means avoiding any actions that would obstruct or inhibit the agreed-upon usage.


Managing disputes

  • Open communication: Keeping channels of communication open and amicable can mitigate potential disputes and facilitate agreeable solutions.
  • Legal intervention: If disputes escalate or cannot be resolved amicably, legal intervention or mediation might be required to find a resolution, protect rights, and maintain the validity of the easement.


Understanding and respecting the rights and responsibilities that encapsulate the roles of dominant and servient tenements fosters a balanced and legally compliant approach to managing easements. 

Recognising the delicate balance and acting conscientiously ensures that the interests and peace of all parties involved are preserved.

Modifying or extinguishing an easement

Easements can have a profound impact on property use and value, but they are not always set in stone. 

Understanding the mechanisms through which an easement can be modified or extinguished is vital for property owners seeking to alter established arrangements or navigate through changing circumstances.


Legal processes and mechanisms

  • Application to court: In some instances, legal intervention is required to modify or extinguish an easement, especially when mutual agreement cannot be reached.
  • Statutory laws: Depending on regional laws, there might be statutory provisions that allow for the modification or extinguishment of easements under specific circumstances.


By agreement

  • Mutual consent: The simplest way to alter or extinguish an easement is by agreement between the dominant and servient tenement owners, ensuring that the interests of all parties are considered.
  • Deed of release: Often, a formal deed of release is drawn up to formalise the extinguishment of an easement, providing a legal record of the agreement.



  • Non-use: In certain cases, prolonged non-use of an easement, especially when paired with actions that demonstrate a clear intention to abandon the easement, can result in its extinguishment.
  • Legal proof: Providing legal proof of abandonment can be complex and might require demonstrating a clear, intentional, and continuous non-use over a significant period.



  • Change in use: Sometimes, changes in the use of either the dominant or servient tenement may render an easement unnecessary or open the door to modifications.
  • Legal compliance: Any alterations should comply with legal standards and, often, should not significantly increase the burden on the servient tenement.


Understanding the various avenues through which easements can be modified or extinguished empowers property owners to manage their land more effectively and adapt to evolving needs. 

Always bear in mind that professional legal advice is crucial when navigating through the complexities of easements, ensuring that actions are legally compliant and interests are protected.

Practical tips for managing easements

When entwined in the intricate web of easements, adopting a pragmatic and informed approach is indispensable. For property owners, navigating through the complexities of easements effectively involves both legal adherence and strategic management. 

Here are some practical tips for managing easements skillfully, ensuring harmony and legality in your dealings.


Keep thorough records

  • Documentation: Maintain detailed and accessible records of all easements related to your property, including original agreements, modifications, and related communications.
  • Plans: Store accurate and up-to-date plans that clearly delineate the geographical extent of any easements, aiding in clear understanding and communication about their locations and extents.


Engage in open communication

  • Dialogue: Maintain amicable and transparent communication with all parties involved in easements to facilitate smooth operations and minimise potential disputes.
  • Involvement: Involve affected parties in discussions and decisions regarding the easement, ensuring their views and concerns are considered.


Be aware of your rights and responsibilities

  • Legal understanding: Ensure you have a robust understanding of your rights and responsibilities, whether you’re the owner of a dominant or servient tenement.
  • Adherence: Always adhere to the agreed terms of an easement, respecting the rights of all parties involved.


Utilise professional advice

  • Legal counsel: Engage legal professionals when establishing, modifying, or managing easements to ensure legal compliance and protection of your interests.
  • Surveyors: Employ qualified surveyors to precisely determine and map the specifics of easements, ensuring accurate records and clarity in agreements.


Plan property developments meticulously

  • Consider easements: Always take into account existing easements during the planning stage of any property development or alteration to avoid legal complications and disputes.
  • Legal checks: Ensure that any proposed developments do not infringe upon the rights provided by easements, consulting a professional if there's any doubt.


Resolution of disputes

  • Mediation: Consider mediation as a first step in resolving disputes to find mutually agreeable solutions without resorting to legal action.
  • Legal action: In cases where disputes cannot be amicably resolved, be prepared to take legal action to protect your rights and interests.


Arming yourself with practical know-how and adopting a proactive, informed approach towards managing easements can help safeguard your property interests and maintain cordial relations with all parties involved. 

Navigating through the realms of easements with diligence and foresight ensures that you’re well-prepared to manage any challenges that may arise.

That’s all for this week. We hope you found this guide to easements informative and helpful.

Whether you are buying or selling property in or around the capital, we can help. Give our friendly team a call today to find out why Petty Son and Prestwich has been the number one choice for people on the move in and around London for well over a century.

Article By: Pamela Self-Pierson

Pamela has worked in the property industry for 8 years, her self-motivation, dedication and excellent customer care is what makes her stand out from the crowd.

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